My diary At Austin University


We arrived  in Texas  on  January 16 th, we got 26 hours to get here  since we left São Paulo.  We were welcome by Rachele and her team in the airport. The next day we had some instructions and went  for a sightseeing tour in Austin city. It was  an amazing experience.

On Wednesday 18th we started our classes in The University of Texas ( UT Austin, UT, or Texas) is a public research university in Austin, was founded in 1883 and is the oldest institution of Texas System. The week is very  busy. We have classes from 9 a.m. to 12:30. We have a break for the lunch ad returned the  class at 2 o`clock. My class finishes at 5 o`clock. 

We have different activities during the week. This week we had Happy Hour on Tuesday. It started from 5:30-7:00 pm at Moody´s Kitchen Guadalupe Street. There were drinks, delicious food and good conversation.   We had fun a lot.


  1. I`m busy too, but really happy to be here. It`s a dream that came true.

    1. It's true! I enjoy all the moments here! New experiences, knowledge.. new friends.. It's an amazing experience!


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